Sunday, August 14, 2011

金星 130 景泰藍

品名:金星 130 景泰藍金筆
筆尖:金星 12k 金尖
尺寸,重量:含蓋:139 mm, 不含蓋: 125 mm, 套蓋: 160.5 mm, 直徑: mm, 重量:32 g

像是本篇的這款金星 130 景泰藍,除了使用傳統工藝製作的景泰藍筆身外,據說也曾被中國大陸國家主席當作國禮,儘管目前我還不能確認其傳說的真實性(註一),不過,這款筆的主題及背景都還是有其代表性及特色。

這款金星 130 景泰藍所使用的工法與過去曾介紹過的金星景泰藍相同,這種刻意僅將珐瑯塗佈於部份圖形內,讓完成後的筆身看起來有著更多的變化,筆友們也稱它為浮雕景泰藍,雖然有一些地方,可能因為製作時掐絲和筆身間仍有空隙,珐瑯粉溢出,而有一點小瑕疵,但對整體的影響,個人認為仍算是可接受的範圍內(以這筆的價位來說)。

金星 130 景泰藍在幾年前似乎還沒那麼好找,直到近幾年(大概這兩年吧)才開始有賣家開始出售這款筆,不過,目前市面上所能找到的,大多都和本篇的這隻金星 130 景泰藍一樣,筆夾上都沒有五角星的印記,這和比較早期筆友們所秀的同款筆不同,不知道是因為生產年代不同(不同批)還是另有原因?

書寫的表現上,所配備的 12k 筆尖,調性相當硬,寫起來有些微“沙沙”的感覺,出水算順暢,筆跡粗細大概比日系筆的細尖稍微粗一點,書寫起來沒有特色但也沒什麼問題。

金星 130 景泰藍算是讓我開始收集景泰藍鋼筆的起點之一,或許是對傳統工藝以及特別素材的偏好,個人還蠻喜歡這款筆的設計的,很可惜的是,雖然我並不認為金星 130 景泰藍的工藝已經失傳(註二),但是,若沒有一定的市場,以後要找到以此技法製作的筆的機會恐怕會愈來愈少吧。

註一:關於金星 130 景泰藍的傳說有兩種版本,
版本二:另一種則是說這款筆是從 1982 年開始生產,1986年,當時的中華人民共和國國家主席李先念出訪非洲時,以此筆贈與友邦元首。製作工藝已經失傳。
有關國禮的論點,以大陸鋼筆的製作技術來看,景泰藍的應用應該是在 1980 年代初期,而周恩來在 1976 年就已過世,因此第一種版本的說法幾乎是不可能發生的,但第二種說法因為目前我也找不到佐證,所以也不能確定其真實性。

註 二:有關金星 130 景泰藍的傳說,都說這種筆的製作工藝已經失傳,關於這個說法,或許景泰藍在鋼筆上的應用較少,但景泰藍卻廣泛的被使用於其他的器具裝飾上,而且,除了金星 130 外,也還有其他較新的筆款使用著相同工藝甚至設計,因此,對於工藝失傳的這種說法個人有著不同的看法。


  1. 您好,

    As a novoice to Cloisonne-style fountain pens, could I please ask you for some advice?

    1. Is $55 a fair market price for a vintage (1960's) Cloisonne-style fountain pen made by Golden Star? The pen I am considering is in New Old Stock condition.

    2. Various sellers on eBay sell modern Cloisonne-style fountain pens manufactured by Duke. However, the style of Cloisonne used by Duke looks very different from the traditional style of Cloisonne used by Golden Star. Do you have any experience with these modern Cloisonne-style pens by Duke? Do you consider this style of Cloisonne as "real" or authentic Cloisonne? An example of such a pen is the current eBay listing with item number 160163022797. Here is the direct link to it:

    Thanks for maintaining this blog! 多謝!


    1. Hi JTH,
      First, I would like to thank you for visiting, and sorry for late reply.

      1. Golden Star have made many styles/models of cloisonne fountain pen, and the price for these pens are vary.
      Also, if the item you mentioned is discontinued, The price is very depend by demand.
      In this case, I can't really tell you how I think about the price.
      But if you can provide the model number or image of the pen you are interesting, I might give you my opinion as for reference.

      2. Sorry, but I never use any cloisonne pen made by Duke so far.
      Base on the definition of cloisonne, I really don't think the item, provide from your link, is the sample of cloisonne.
      It looks more like made by painting or printing to me.

      But I do find the same seller is selling some modern cloisonne pen.
      The following link is one of the example.

      Again, thanks for visiting.
      Please let me know if you have any question.
      especially if you find any content is incorrect or improper, thanks.

