Saturday, May 8, 2010

Kaweco Sport V16

品 名:Kaweco Sport V16
筆尖:Kaweco 14k Concealed nib
尺寸,重量: 含蓋:101 mm, 不含蓋:97 mm, 套蓋:133 mm, 直徑:mm, 重量:9 g

Kaweco 的 Sport 系列早在1911年就出現,但是當時的筆款在外形上與後來大家所熟知的Sport系列仍有相當大的不同。
1929年五月,原 Kaweco宣告破產,後來被一家小筆廠收購(名稱,專利及部份機具),30年代,許多德國筆廠試著擺脫美國筆的影響,新的Kaweco也試著走出屬於自家或是德國筆廠的特色,而新的Sport系列,也於30年代中期發表,真正開啓了Kaweco Sport口袋鋼筆的傳奇。

Kaweco 筆廠於1962年開始生產配備Concealed nib(照翻應該是隱藏式筆尖,但個人覺得比較像半開放式筆尖)的筆款,所有開頭為"V"的型號即為配有半開放式筆尖的筆款,Kaweco Sport V16即為其中之一。
Kaweco Sport V16 是在1970年左右生產的Sport 系列,除了採用半開放式筆尖外,基本上V16無論是尺寸,外型以至於活塞上墨系統的設計,都與30年代中期所發表的Kaweco Sport系列沒什麼太大的不同。
V16 的半開放式筆尖筆調稍硬,但筆尖具彈性,出墨量穩定,寫起來會有“刷刷”的聲音,不算是乾,也不會刮,寫起來算是感覺還不錯的筆。

V16 除了活塞上墨款外,Kaweco也在1979年試作卡水版的V16,不過,只做了prototype 並沒有正式生產,後來Sport系列也隨著1980年Kaweco筆廠關門而暫時劃下了休止符。


  1. Hi nice blog always look forward to new post to see new pens added to your collection!
    I would like to ask did you buy your Kaweco Sport V16 on Martin Auctions? From the picture on Martin, the V16s I saw do not have the engravings of 'V16' at the back of the pen. Maybe their picture did not capture the engraving. Maybe their V16 is just a remake to pay tribute to the old V16. By the way would you mind telling me how much you spent on you V16? And where you bought it?
    I am totally addicted to Kaweco pens...

  2. Hi Cecil,
    I do like Kaweco pens too.

    I purchased my V16 from ebay in about 1 or 2 years ago. But I really don't remember how much I paid for it.

    About the engraving, I do see some Kaweco pens have engravings without gold (or yellow) color filled.
    In that case, sometimes it is really hard to see the engraving from the photo.
